Grants for full-time students
There are three non-repayable grants available to full-time students, who go to campus in person to study. These grants are means-tested, and the amount awarded may be reduced or eliminated based on the student's household income. Student Finance England will determine a student's eligibility and inform students on how to apply for these grants.

Parents' Learning Allowance
This is a non-repayable grant intended to help students with children cover their learning expenses. The amount awarded depends on the student's household income, with a maximum amount of £1,821 per academic year.

Adult Dependents' Grant
This non-repayable grant is intended to help students who have an adult who is financially dependent on them, such as a partner or elderly relative. The amount awarded depends on the student's household income, with a maximum amount of £3,190 per academic year.

Childcare Grant
This grant is intended to help students with children cover their childcare costs while studying. The amount awarded depends on the student's household income, up to a maximum amount of £188 per week for one child or £323 per week for two or more children.