Access funding from Student Finance England
Omega Partners will support you to access funding from Student Finance England. We will give you step by step guidance, so that you can access funding for your studies (Tuition fees) and your living costs (Maintenance).
How We Help You
Our team will provide you with step by step advice and guidance on how to complete the Student Finance England application. It need not be complicated! We can also advise you on how to apply for loans, grants, and other financial support.
Application guidance: the university application process can be overwhelming, and combined with the Student Finance application, we at Omega Partners offer comprehensive support, so that you can complete your funding application with zero stress.
Deadlines and requirements: there are specific deadlines and requirements for both university applications and Student Finance England, and it can be easy to miss important dates or documents. We can help you keep track and ensure you don't miss anything important.

When will I repay the loan?
1. After your studies finish, AND
2. When you earn MORE than £27,660 per year.
What if I do not earn £27,660 after?
In that case, you do not need to repay anything.
How much will I repay?
9% above £27,660. Examples:
(1) if you earn £27,600, you will repay £0
(2) if you earn £28,660, you will repay £7.50 monthly
(3) if you earn £35,000, you will repay £55 monthly
How is repayment made?
Repayments will be collected through the UK tax system by employers through the Pay as You Earn system.